1. General Information About Chinese Trademark Application
The Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that goods mark, service mark, collective mark and certification mark can be registered in China and obtain trademark exclusive rights. Trademarks should be visible marks, including words, device, letters, digits, 3-D marks, combinations of colors and sound , and combinations of any of the aforementioned.
A goods mark refers to a mark for goods produced, manufactured, processes, selected or marketed.
A service mark refers to a mark used by service provider to differ its service from service provided by a third party.
A collective mark refers to a mark registered in the name of a group, an association or any other organization and to be used by its members in their commercial activities to indicate their membership.
A certification mark refers to a mark which is controlled by an organization capable of supervising a particular type of goods or service used in respect of goods or services by other organizations or individuals who do not belong to the said organization, with a view to certifying the origin, raw material, mode of manufacture of goods or performance of services, quality or other characteristics of the goods or services.
The Chinese Trademark Office adopts International Classification (11th Edition), 45 classes in total. One trademark application is for one trademark in one class. Before filing of trademark registration application, the applicant should decide the class and the detailed goods or service items in the class.
The qualification of trademark registration applicant: natural person, legal entity or other type of organization.
The trademark registration term is 10 years, starting from the date of registration.
2. Our Service on Trademark
Our trademark team is made up of highly experienced trademark attorneys with extensive and relevant legal and professional background. We can provide effective and value-adding trademark services ranging from trademark protection strategy to formulation, maintenance and protection of trademark rights.